#30. Support women with unintended pregnancies in your church.

Please note this entry is written with Christian readers in mind, but we hope the ideas are also useful to Jews, Muslims, and anyone else who regularly participates in a religious community. Surveys suggest approximately 4 in 10 women who get abortions were attending church regularly at the time they aborted. While many churches work … Continue reading #30. Support women with unintended pregnancies in your church.

#10. Talk to your priest or pastor about discussing abortion publicly within your church.

Please note this entry is written with Christian readers in mind, but we hope the ideas are also useful to Jews, Muslims, and anyone else who regularly participates in a religious community. If your church doesn't already address abortion directly, consider having a private meeting with church leadership to discuss their approach. This can be … Continue reading #10. Talk to your priest or pastor about discussing abortion publicly within your church.