#51. Amplify the voices of unconventional pro-lifers.

People who aren't very involved in the abortion debate (so, most people) often have the misperception that Americans against abortion are primarily white Republican Christian men. This is a myth. It's important for the public to understand that pro-life activists come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Countless on-the-fencers already have pro-life inclinations, but they … Continue reading #51. Amplify the voices of unconventional pro-lifers.

#46. Subscribe to pro-life podcasts.

Podcasts can be a great way to convert otherwise mundane tasks into opportunities for education and inspiration. Change your weekday commutes or after-dinner dishes into contributions to pro-life work by spending that time listening to podcasts (and thus, hopefully, increasing your knowledge and abilities as a pro-life advocate). Below is a list of a few … Continue reading #46. Subscribe to pro-life podcasts.

#43. Study the pro-choice worldview.

The better we understand the other side, the more effective we will be at dialoguing with pro-choice people, rebutting pro-choice claims, and overcoming pro-choice tactics. This process requires recognizing not only what they say but why they say it. What are their priorities? What are their fundamental beliefs? What verbiage do they use most often, … Continue reading #43. Study the pro-choice worldview.

#32. Learn the details of fetal development.

When in pregnancy does the heart begin to beat? When do fingerprints form? When can the baby experience sound, taste, or pain? Many people don't realize how early in pregnancy major development occurs, and misperception on this front influences their views of abortion. You need only a few facts to be better prepared for conversations … Continue reading #32. Learn the details of fetal development.

#18. Create a book club.

Create a book club with other pro-life friends and family that is dedicated to reading and discussing books about abortion. These could include pro-life and pro-choice apologetics, histories of the two movements, testimonies from activists or abortion providers, international comparisons, or any number of other subtopics. The knowledge you'll gain and the friendships you'll fortify … Continue reading #18. Create a book club.

#17. Talk to medical providers about how they deliver prenatal Down syndrome diagnoses.

Prenatal diagnoses of Down syndrome are highly correlated with abortion, and many women have reported that medical personnel either assumed they would want to abort or overtly pressured them to do so. It's not uncommon for doctors to talk about the health risks associated with Down syndrome, explain how to obtain an abortion, and then … Continue reading #17. Talk to medical providers about how they deliver prenatal Down syndrome diagnoses.

#16. Learn the stances of your political representatives.

Once you know what your reps' think, you can use the information to inform your voting decisions and even strategies about who to work with to advance or oppose relevant legislation. Even if you're not particularly politically inclined, on a social level you now have the information available to share with others when talking about … Continue reading #16. Learn the stances of your political representatives.

#7. Familiarize yourself with abortion laws in your state.

Most Americans have only a vague idea of the specifics of our abortion laws. For example, many believe abortion is illegal after the first trimester and believe exceptions are only for when the mother's life is in danger or perhaps for fetal abnormalities incompatible with life. In fact abortion is legal until at least partway … Continue reading #7. Familiarize yourself with abortion laws in your state.

#2. Make sure you have sufficient sexual education.

How does conception happen? What are some common types of STDs and how are they transmitted? What are some common methods of preventing pregnancy, how do they work, and how effective are they? Hopefully you already know the basics, but if not, go dig around. Even if you aren't currently sexually active, this information is … Continue reading #2. Make sure you have sufficient sexual education.